Consulting Services

The Consulting business has drawn huge applause worldwide, and this is a key parameter in determining as to how companies and individuals are placing their bet on consulting activities.

Techpro Synergy offers exclusive IT and NON-IT consulting services. Having a penchant towards providing strategic consulting solutions, we will adjudge your consulting needs, design a feasible consulting plan that can help solve your business problem areas.

Techpro Synergy takes in proper measures in order to ensure that the consulting process and the resultant outcome should only benefit our client’s in a profitable way.

Our Consulting Process:

1. Identifying Client Requirements:
Here, our consulting team will identify client’s specific requirements. The meeting for consultation will be decided by your consent. Our goal as a consulting partner is to ensure that we document all the client requirements in an organized and analytical manner.

2. Preparing Specification Document:
Once an in-depth requirement analysis has been done, we will then prepare a specification document, detailing our work procedures, and also who all are the consultants who will be involved in this project. This document will also include the financials and time needed to complete the consulting work. However, both financials and time can be altered, in order to tune up with client requirements.

3. Modifications (if need be required):
Once the client goes through our specifications document, and if suppose there are some modules which the clients wants to alter, then we can do that based upon the consent of our team. As a consulting partner, Techpro Synergy will take in best interests and will guide you as to whether the alterations can be good or not for your business.

4. Preparing the final agreement:
Here, we will draft a final agreement, which basically says that the client is ready to work with us, wherein Techpro Synergy will be working as a consulting partner. In this agreement, all the necessary instructions, along with an outline of our streamlined services will be presented. Once the client is ready, then we can take on the next step.

5. Initiate the Consulting work:
Once all the necessary formalities have been done with, our team of consultants, along with the necessary technical executives, will initiate the work. Here we will either deploy the team at your place, or the team will work in our company updating our client on a continual basis.

6. Post Consulting Support:
Once the consultation activity has been successfully completed, post that we will also provide the consulting support till a certain period of time.